We are La Salle


Mission Statement

La Salle includes, welcomes, and serves students and families from throughout the Yakima Valley who value Lasallian  education and who represent a broad social, ethnic, religious, and economic diversity.


Core Values​

1. Faith in the Presence of God: We value the living presence of God in our world, viewing it with, as St. John Baptist De La Salle describes, the “eyes of faith.”  As such we expect students to learn how to:

  • Recognize and honor the presence of God in all of creation

  • Practice Christian (faith-based) values.

  • Know the life and message of Jesus Christ in the tradition of the Catholic Church as well as have a basic understanding of religious diversity.

  •  Participate in a variety of liturgical and prayer experiences.

​​2. Respect for All Persons: We value the inherent dignity, worth and gifts of oneself and each person.  As such we expect students to learn how to:

  • Set personal and educational goals based on self-understanding.

  • Develop a sense of well-being and confidence in their abilities.

  • Treat all persons with dignity.

  • Participate in a variety of activities that develop their appreciation of the body’s potential for physical expression of emotions, ideas, and goals.

  •  Recognize and appreciate beauty and complexity in music, art, and drama as well as the cultures from which they originate.

3. Inclusive Community: We value the formation of a united community where diversity is respected, where no one is left out, and everyone is accepted.  As such we expect students to learn how to:

  • Form relationships with others with sensitivity, tolerance, and compassion.

  • Participate in building a school community that reaches to the world beyond.

  • Recognize their role as positive global citizens cognizant of the impact they make by way of action or apathy.

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 4. Quality Education: We value an education that prepares students for success in life.  As such we expect students to learn how to:

  • Communicate effectively through listening, reading, speaking, writing, and thinking critically.

  • Prepare for college, career, and life-long learning.

  • Take responsibility for their own learning.

  • Acquire basic academic life skills including but not limited to, economic, political science, nutrition, and use of technology.

5. Concern for the Poor and Social Justice: We value a sensitivity and response to the needs of our community and the world, especially of those people who suffer from the effects of poverty and injustice. As such we expect students to learn how to:

  • Recognize, respond to and serve the needs of others especially the poor.

  • Address contemporary world problems and issues.

  • Appreciate nature and recognize the need for environmental stewardship and conservation of the earth’s resources, and respond accordingly.



La Salle is a Catholic, college preparatory high school where students are loved and educated by teachers who are inspired by the charism of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, and the Brothers of the Christian schools.

La Salle High School educates students spiritually, academically, and socially through the promotion of an active faith life, commitment to curricular and co-curricular excellence, and push them toward further learning comparable to their gifts and potential. These goals are accomplished through the collaboration of involved students, supportive parents, and dedicated faculty and staff members.  Based on the belief in the intrinsic value and dignity of each student, the school provides an atmosphere that is moral, caring and joyful. Within such a setting, the school seeks to challenge students to serve others, especially the poor and marginalized, and to deepen their sense of responsibility to the great community and future generations.


The Mission of La Salle High School of Yakima is to graduate students who:

  • Recognize the presence of God

  • Possess the capability and desire for successfully pursuing higher educational goals consistent with the individual's talents, vocation and dreams

  • Know how to pray

  • Know truth and appreciate beauty

  • Value the Lasallian experience by recognizing and responding to critical and unmet needs

  • Reflect social graces and social awareness

  • Possess a positive self-image, focus and discipline

  • Promote leadership in family, church, and community

  • Contribute to the development of the human community