“To be entrusted with the teaching of the young is a great gift and grace of God.”

- Saint John Baptist de La Salle (MTR 9.1)

Meet Our Team

  • Mr. Ted Kanelopoulos

    Principal / President

    BA Saint Mary's College of California // M.Ed Boston College // CERT Loyola Marymount University tedk@lasalleyakima.org

  • Mrs. Emily Heaverlo

    Vice Principal for Student Life

    Service and Immersion Director, and Lasallian Vocation & Formation Director, and Alumni Director

    BA Western Washington Univ. // MA Loyola Marymount Univ. eheaverlo@lasalleyakima.org

  • Mrs. Olivia Hart

    Vice Principal for Academics

    Contemporary World Issues

    BS Moody Bible Institute // M.Ed Western Governors University


  • Mr. Drew Edgerly

    Athletic Director / Dean of Students

    BS WSU, MA Concordia University Irvine dedgerly@lasalleyakima.org

  • Mr. Ryan Brewer

    Religion Department Chair

    Religion, Prayer & Spirituality Teacher

    BA Gonzaga University // MTS Santa Clara University rbrewer@lasalleyakima.org

  • Mr. Andy Carroll

    English Department Chair

    AP English, UWHS English, English 2

    BA University of Portland // M.Ed. Providence College acarroll@lasalleyakima.org

  • Mrs. Eileen Cervantes

    Spanish 1 & 2, Intro to Int. Religion

    BA Gonzaga University // MAT University of Portland ECervantes@lasalleyakima.org

  • Mrs. Bethany Forsyth

    Choir, Skills for Life College Counseling & Testing Coordinator


  • Mr. John Forsyth

    Science Department Chair Robotics, Chemistry, Physics, Geometry, Marine Biology

    BA University of California at Santa Barbara // MA University of California at Santa Barbara jforsyth@lasalleyakima.org

  • Dr. Carl Haarstad

    Math Department Chair AP Statistics, AP Calculus


  • Ms. Lyndsey Hedrick

    English 3 & 4, Podcast & Journalism, Global Economics


  • Mrs. Lisa Kanelopoulos

    Director of Admissions

    BA George Fox University


  • Mr. Cody Lamb

    Campus Ministry World History, Religion, Finance, Head Football Coach

    BA Carroll College // MA Washington Governors Univ. // CERT Loyola Marymount University CLamb@lasalleyakima.org

  • Mr. Donald Moore

    Band & Orchestra


  • Mrs. Debbie Moorer

    Director of Advancement/Development

    BA Gonzaga University


  • Mrs. Lupe Paniagua

    HR Director, Administrative Assistant


  • Mrs. Kayla Rafferty

    Freshman English, Future Pathways Coordinator

    BA Western Washington University krafferty@lasalleyakima.org

  • Mrs. Leda Saenz

    Registrar/Front Office

    BA Universidad Autonoma de Centro America lsaenz@lasalleyakima.org

  • Mr. Jorge Silva

    Director of Buildings and Grounds

  • Mrs. Olivia Sloan

    Visual & Performing Arts Department Chair Art I and II, Graphic Design, Yearbook, Marketing & Digital Media, PE, Assistant AD, Head Track Coach

    BA Whitworth University osloan@lasalleyakima.org

  • Mrs. Robin Soptich

    Finance Director

    BA Columbia College rsoptich@lasalleyakima.org

  • Mr. Jaime Torres

    Buildings and Grounds

  • Dr. Elise Tulloss

    Biology, UWHS Physiology, Physical Science, Ag Science, Robotics Team

    BA Western Washington University MS Eastern Washington University PhD University of California at Davis etulloss@lasalleyakima.org

  • Mr. Mike Vavricka

    Health & Fitness Department Chair Online Learning Coordinator, Tech, PE, Health and Weights, Ast. Track & Field & Football Coach

    BA Pacific Lutheran University mvavricka@lasalleyakima.org

  • Mr. Antonio Villa

    Buildings and Grounds

  • Mrs. Gloria White

    Foreign Language Department Chair Spanish 3, AP Spanish, Spanish for Native Speakers, Student Support & Madrina Program

    BA Central Washington Universit // MA University of New Orleans gwhite@lasalleyakima.org

  • Mrs. Anne Whiteside

    Director of Student Activities, History Department Chair, Social Studies Department

    BA Central Washington University // MA Grand Canyon University


  • Rev.Jesus Mariscal


    Pontifical North American College

    Pontifical Gregorian University

  • Athena

    Brown American Lab

    8th Year Paw Patrol

  • Apollo

    Black English Lab

    5th Year Paw Patrol

Board of Trustees

Mr. David Hazel | Chair

Mrs. Lauren Ellis | La Salle Alum '08

Mrs. Alma Casio

Mr. Tadeo Saenz

Mr. Bill Dolsen | Vice Chair

Mr. Steve Alegria

Mrs. Sheri Brockway

Mrs. Andrea Burns

Br. Lawrence Haley, FSC

Mr. Jim Hutton

Mrs. Patricia Myers

Mr. Mike Smith

Mrs. Heather Thorn | La Salle Alum ‘02