“To be entrusted with the teaching of the young is a great gift and grace of God.”
- Saint John Baptist de La Salle (MTR 9.1)
Meet Our Team
Mr. Ted Kanelopoulos
Principal / President
BA Saint Mary's College of California // M.Ed Boston College // CERT Loyola Marymount University tedk@lasalleyakima.org
Mrs. Emily Heaverlo
Vice Principal for Student Life
Service and Immersion Director, and Lasallian Vocation & Formation Director, and Alumni Director
BA Western Washington Univ. // MA Loyola Marymount Univ. eheaverlo@lasalleyakima.org
Mrs. Olivia Hart
Vice Principal for Academics
Contemporary World Issues
BS Moody Bible Institute // M.Ed Western Governors University
Mr. Drew Edgerly
Athletic Director / Dean of Students
BS WSU, MA Concordia University Irvine dedgerly@lasalleyakima.org
Mr. Ryan Brewer
Religion Department Chair
Religion, Prayer & Spirituality Teacher
BA Gonzaga University // MTS Santa Clara University rbrewer@lasalleyakima.org
Mr. Andy Carroll
English Department Chair
AP English, UWHS English, English 2
BA University of Portland // M.Ed. Providence College acarroll@lasalleyakima.org
Mrs. Eileen Cervantes
Spanish 1 & 2, Intro to Int. Religion
BA Gonzaga University // MAT University of Portland ECervantes@lasalleyakima.org
Mrs. Bethany Forsyth
Choir, Skills for Life College Counseling & Testing Coordinator
Mr. John Forsyth
Science Department Chair Robotics, Chemistry, Physics, Geometry, Marine Biology
BA University of California at Santa Barbara // MA University of California at Santa Barbara jforsyth@lasalleyakima.org
Dr. Carl Haarstad
Math Department Chair AP Statistics, AP Calculus
Ms. Lyndsey Hedrick
English 3 & 4, Podcast & Journalism, Global Economics
Mrs. Lisa Kanelopoulos
Mr. Cody Lamb
Campus Ministry World History, Religion, Finance, Head Football Coach
BA Carroll College // MA Washington Governors Univ. // CERT Loyola Marymount University CLamb@lasalleyakima.org
Mr. Donald Moore
Band & Orchestra
Mrs. Debbie Moorer
Mrs. Lupe Paniagua
HR Director, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Kayla Rafferty
Freshman English, Future Pathways Coordinator
BA Western Washington University krafferty@lasalleyakima.org
Mrs. Leda Saenz
Registrar/Front Office
BA Universidad Autonoma de Centro America lsaenz@lasalleyakima.org
Mr. Jorge Silva
Director of Buildings and Grounds
Mrs. Olivia Sloan
Visual & Performing Arts Department Chair Art I and II, Graphic Design, Yearbook, Marketing & Digital Media, PE, Assistant AD, Head Track Coach
BA Whitworth University osloan@lasalleyakima.org
Mrs. Robin Soptich
Finance Director
BA Columbia College rsoptich@lasalleyakima.org
Mr. Jaime Torres
Buildings and Grounds
Dr. Elise Tulloss
Biology, UWHS Physiology, Physical Science, Ag Science, Robotics Team
BA Western Washington University MS Eastern Washington University PhD University of California at Davis etulloss@lasalleyakima.org
Mr. Mike Vavricka
Health & Fitness Department Chair Online Learning Coordinator, Tech, PE, Health and Weights, Ast. Track & Field & Football Coach
BA Pacific Lutheran University mvavricka@lasalleyakima.org
Mr. Antonio Villa
Buildings and Grounds
Mrs. Gloria White
Foreign Language Department Chair Spanish 3, AP Spanish, Spanish for Native Speakers, Student Support & Madrina Program
BA Central Washington Universit // MA University of New Orleans gwhite@lasalleyakima.org
Mrs. Anne Whiteside
Director of Student Activities, History Department Chair, Social Studies Department
BA Central Washington University // MA Grand Canyon University
Rev.Jesus Mariscal
Pontifical North American College
Pontifical Gregorian University
Brown American Lab
8th Year Paw Patrol
Black English Lab
5th Year Paw Patrol
Board of Trustees
Mr. David Hazel | Chair
Mrs. Lauren Ellis | La Salle Alum '08
Mrs. Alma Casio
Mr. Tadeo Saenz
Mr. Bill Dolsen | Vice Chair
Mr. Steve Alegria
Mrs. Sheri Brockway
Mrs. Andrea Burns
Br. Lawrence Haley, FSC
Mr. Jim Hutton
Mrs. Patricia Myers
Mr. Mike Smith
Mrs. Heather Thorn | La Salle Alum ‘02